What’s one of the most annoying things about your job? Losing client files (old ads, reports, proposals)? Forgetting a deadline? Wishing you could just talk to the Glacier team with the click of a button? What if I told you there was one tool that would automatically organize and keep a written record of all communication and every file pertinent to each of your clients, all while giving you direct access to the Glacier team?


Sound too good to be true? It does.. but this is a rare scenario where I get to make your day and tell you that Mavenlink (ML) does all of those things and more. What’s more, there is a concise guide that can be read in under 10 minutes. What’s even more, is that I wrote the guide, and if you have any questions or want a personalized walkthrough you can just email me and ask: mmordak@glaciermediadigital.ca.


If you are unfamiliar with, or find it difficult to use Mavenlink, I envy you. You are getting all of your work done without one of the most powerful, free tools you could ask for at your disposal. Once you’ve read the guide and started to familiarize yourself with ML, you will start to see immediate improvements in your workflow. In fact, you’ll soon free up so much time, you’ll find yourself increasing your sales, and making more commission than you know what to do with. You’ll feel so overjoyed at this increased influx of cash that you’ll want to give back to the person that helped you learn and perfect your Mavenlink skills (in that case, please send an etransfer to the email listed above).


Jokes aside – we are lucky to have this tool available to us. And with just a small amount of effort, we can greatly reduce our stress levels by understanding where to find the resources we need to do our job painlessly.



^^That’s a link – please click it^^


The guide explains in small detail:

  • How to find a project
  • How to create a post
  • How to find an old post
  • How to use the Task Tracker Tab
  • How to customize your email notifications
  • Tagging users
  • Comment threads
  • Linking to tasks
  • Pinned posts

This guide was built with Glacier Media reps in mind. After reading the guide, if anything is still unclear, or if I have missed any information, please email mmordak@glaciermediadigital.ca