Do you know how much time people spend every day watching videos on Facebook? 100 million hours!
Yes. It is a real number.
In fact, marketers have been talking about the importance of video content and its power to spread brand messages for a while. According to HubSpot, 54% of consumers prefer to see video content from brands rather than receiving email newsletters; about 43% of consumers also named video as the most memorable type of content.
In 2017, there has been a growing popularity of different types of video content on social media platforms, including Facebook live streaming and Instagram Stories. Instagram has been paying close attention to its users to capture their attention. The app introduced a number of different features, such as SuperZoom and a poll sticker, in Stories to make them more interactive and engaging for users.
And it did not take too long to see the results. In less than a year after its launch, Instagram Stories had more daily users uploading content than the entire daily audience of Snapchat.
What is the next trend?
While we are sure that there will be an expansion of live videos and Instagram Stories in 2018, marketers also suggest paying close attention to the rise of augmented reality in the near future as brands will try to capture the attention of a new generation of consumers.