What makes listicles so effective in content marketing? With thousands of fresh pieces being posted daily, there’s no way even the most voracious consumer could get to it all. Not to mention that our brains are drawn to content that’s simple and organized.
Now imagine a listicle enhanced with light interaction, Yup. It’s a real thing that we have been developing at GMD.
Check out one of our Interactive Listicles below.
Keep scrolling down to read about the 3 quick benefits.
1. Associate delightful sentiments with your brand.
This game-ified approach is fun and casual. Our early tests show that those who choose to engage spend at least 32 seconds doing so. Not only is it at least as valuable as getting users to look at your display ad or video ad for the same amount of time, they’re actively engaged on top of it. Best of all, these small doses of delight are brand safe.
2. Use as a form of focus group testing
Imagine if you could test which ones of your product images gain more favour with a sample audience before you invest in a larger display campaign? Sure, it’s a fun exercise for the site visitors and it doesn’t feel like a survey. However, on the back end, we can measure collective audience preferences based on their interactions. What if you knew audiences liked the minimal product image over the busier lifestyle image? Would that help you make some marketing decisions?
3. It doesn’t feel like advertising
This is the whole point of content marketing. A distinctly un-salesy focus is key to good content creation if you want readers to care or give you their attention. Serving entertaining information is a great way to favourably influence the perception of the sponsor brand.
If you’d like to be part of one, inquire here.