Here at Glacier Media, our internal agency ecosystem is made up of 150+ folks.
Another week, another Team GMD Q&A. It’s kind of like Vogue’s 73 Questions. Instead, it’s in blog form and there are less than 10 questions – because you’re busy and we respect your time.
This week, we are shining the light on the woman behind our digital team- Senior Project Manager, Laura Larson. The superwoman/ mom of our team, Laura gets things done and goes above and beyond. Wonder what she does when she’s not at the office/ ice rink? Scroll down to the bottom to find out.
Expertise: marketing management, project whisperer.
Hobbies: hot yoga yogi, artisanal soap maker, hockey chauffeur
Hidden talent: pinball wizardry
Two truths one lie:
- Crossed the Arctic Circle in the middle of winter
- Bungee jumped on a dare
- Ate the tequila worm.
All the Spanish words you know: Como se dice? (how do you say), Vamos a caminar, muy muy lindo.
Favorite song right now: Estos Celos, Vicente Fernandez. He’s cool because he’s sort of the Latino version of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin all in one.
Words of Wisdom: In every moment, do your best.
Favorite sports team: Vancouver Canadians, Montreal Canadiens.
Office habit: tidy up desk at the end of the day so I can start with a clean slate every morning
What’s your rap/ pop name: LL Cool J
Stay tuned for our next Team GMD feature to see more of the brilliant folks working for you behind the scenes.