Here at Glacier Media, our internal agency ecosystem is made up of 150+ folks.

Starting this issue, we will be featuring people who make Glacier Media Digital (Team GMD for short) special. It’s kind of like Vogue’s 73 Questions. Instead, it’s in blog form and there are only 12-16 questions – because you’re busy and we respect your time.

Without further ado, learn about the real celebrities within the Glacier Media community and get a glimpse of what makes them tick.

Justin Chen
Multimedia Account Executive, Vancouver Courier

Expertise: Emojis 🙂 😁 😘

Hobbies: Learning new languages

Hidden talent: Making a mean turkey 🍗

Favorite song right now: Hills and Valleys – Tauren Wells

Favorite sports team: All Blacks

Office habit: Stealing Snacks from the Glacier Media Digital team

What’s your rap name: JayC

Where would you rather be right now: Space (with a space suit)

Who/what inspires you?: Food 😋

Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?: Hunter

If there’s a parallel universe, what would that Justin be doing right now: Like evil Justin? He’d probably be an accountant. Not that all accountants are evil but numbers are 100% evil.

Connect with Justin on Linkedin

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our first team profile. Stay tuned for our next Team GMD feature to see more of the brilliant folks working for you behind the scenes.