Google Quality score

Quality Score And How To Improve It

Quality Score is Google’s rating system of the quality and relevance of keywords and ads. We can ensure we cover our bases by doing our best in improving our quality scores.

3 Keys to Succeed with Digital Fonts: PLUS An Insider Scoop

To really appreciate a font you need to know what makes a good digital typeface. So to welcome you into our world of decision making, here are some general things we consider before rightly landing on our favourite typefaces.

How To Make Your Social Media Presence Bloom

10 ways curating your social media presence is like taking care of plants

social media copywriting

The Importance of Research for Social Copy

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is on social media—scrolling through every post, browsing and leaving comments, fact-checking information and more.

Mavenlink Made Easier

Your time has come. Today is the day you will unlock your true communicative and organizational potential. The day you go beyond the limits of email and memory as devices for project tracking. The day that you finally free yourself and merit the title, Mavenlink Master. Let’s dig in.

Showdown: Wix vs Shopify

How does Wix shape up against the industry standard Shopify e-commerce platform?

Step Into Our [Home] Office

In case the recent days (and weeks, and months) have become somewhat of a blurry memory marked by polishing off numerous Netflix series and finally mastering that sourdough recipe—September officially welcomes the six-month working-from-home anniversary.
So we wanted to check-in, how’s everybody doing out there?

Showdown: Wix vs WordPress

You’ve probably heard good things about the website builder Wix. So have we, but we’ve also built countless sites for people whose Wix sites weren't able to meet their needs. Let’s have a look at Wix and compare their offering to our Theme & Custom Website products built in WordPress.

man creeping

Protecting Your Project Budget from Scope Creep

Scope creep is a risk, which can cause some undesirable outcomes such as going over budget, missed deadlines, team burnout, and stakeholder dissatisfaction – to name a few.

GMD Nearcation: More Places To Enjoy This Summer

Looking for a Nearcation? GMD's got your back. Check out this list of staff recommendations to inspire your next local getaway.

gmd branded rockstar cleaner man

Clean up Your Website Content like a Rockstar

Having the ability to see the bright side of things sometimes requires resilience and detachment. During trying times like these, seeking new opportunities is almost like a mandatory modus operandi. 

The Future is Modular: Atomic Design approach

Progress and technology have changed the world in a place where fast-development is the standard. And for teams and professionals to keep up with this pace, efficient processes are a key ingredient.