Video as Social Content

Have you ever found yourself sucked deep into a Facebook video, finally coming up for air and wondering, “Where did the last three hours of my life go?”. With Facebook rolling out the autoplay feature in 2015, it’s been all about video ever since.

Romantic Comedies for Dummies

The premise was simple, over a 30-day period I watched one romantic comedy a day to see its effect on my physical and psychological wellbeing.

This is not the ‘Facebook Apocalypse’

Facebook is changing its algorithm - again.
With this blog, my intention is to be part of the solution and not shoot ideas down for failure.

2017 in Review: The Growing Power of Video Content on Social Media

Video content is a powerful tool that brands can use to spread their message on social media.

2017 in Review: The Year of Showing Emotion

More than ever, people were expressing themselves on social media through EMOJIS! 😘😆😱

Instagram Story Hacks 2017

There’s more to the disappearing 15-second video and photo at the top of your Instagram screen than you may think. More than 200 million people are taking advantage of Instagram’s Story features each day. Here is how you can too!

Reaching Ad Audience On Social Media

Social media ads have captured advertiser interest for the ability to reach and target like never before.

Glacier Digital

What Do Facebook and Google Ads Know About You?

Have you ever wondered how Facebook knows what you were browsing by serving you some really relevant ads? You are not alone!

8 Day Horror Movie Challenge #nogutsnogory

With 9 days left to Halloween, I challenge you all to join in on our 9 day horror movie challenge. After all, it’s not really Halloween without a good scare!

Become a Facebook expert for FREE

One promise I made myself after graduating just over a year ago was that I never wanted to stop learning. In the digital world, we are always teaching ourselves about certain trends and how to do things better …. Always!

How Awesome Is It That We Are Now Awesome?

There's been an exciting addition to the publication mix at Glacier Media. One of the heavyweights in the local blogosphere is now part of the Glacier family. Check it out.

An Interview With Skater Bob

In 2004, after living and working in L.A for many years, Bob Kronbauer returned to Vancouver where the turn-of-phrase “No-fun-city” had become a thing. Now he tells us how the Vancouver is Awesome brand was born.