Social Retrospective 2021

Both so much and so little has happened in 2021, so here’s a round-up of the biggest movers and shakers in the social media landscape over the past year.

LaterCon Webinar Recap

GMD’s organic social team is no stranger to LaterCon. A few members of our team attended and have outlined their major takeaways.

Case Study: Video Content

Instagram and other social media platforms move to integrate more video features helping to make it easier for creators to produce and share longer, engaging video content.

A Picture is Worth More Than Just Words: Social Media

The name of the (organic social media) game is brand awareness. Developing that recognizable and cohesive brand includes the visual language of photography.

Improve your photography game with these tips

Great lighting can often make your image shine. Alternatively, poor lighting can make the same shot useless for social media. Read on for a few quick tips for spotting good lighting.

The Importance of Seasonal Content

The name of the game when it comes to organic social content is brand awareness, but that doesn’t mean that you only have to talk about your brand.

social network

Facebook Page Access

What is the difference between a Facebook Profile and a Facebook Page?

iOS14 Impact on Facebook Advertisers

Sometime this year, Apple plans to start requiring iOS device owners to choose whether to allow various companies to track them across third-party apps and websites through Apple's App Tracking Transparency Framework. Let's look at how these updated privacy measures will affect advertisers.

not all content is gold

Not all that glitters is content gold

When it comes to creating organic social content, not everything needs to be gold.

Instagram’s Mid-Life Crisis

New features, new interface, new content—Instagram has gone full force with a pretty major overhaul in the past few weeks. If you’re feeling like you don’t know your trusty old app the way you used to, never fear, we’re here to acquaint you with these changes.

How To Make Your Social Media Presence Bloom

10 ways curating your social media presence is like taking care of plants

social media copywriting

The Importance of Research for Social Copy

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is on social media—scrolling through every post, browsing and leaving comments, fact-checking information and more.