Here at Glacier Media, our internal agency ecosystem is made up of 150+ folks.

Another week, another Team GMD Q&A. It’s kind of like Vogue’s 73 Questions. Instead, it’s in blog form and there are less than 10 questions – because you’re busy and we respect your time.

This week on Team GMD, we are featuring Samantha Matheson, our Interaction/ Visual Designer. Sam is our resident dog & cat whisperer and an idea-packed UI designer. Sam’s job as a Visual Designer is to fulfill any creative requests, whether it is a landing page, website design, programmatic ad or social ad. Sam is well-known for being super focused at work. Try to stand by her desk quietly and you’ll be ignored until she gets up for lunch.

Expertise: Digital Design

Hidden talent: Assembling Ikea Furniture 

Personal kryptonite: Hershey’s cookies and crème bars

Morning rituals: Play with Rupert the cat

Favourite musician: Thundercat

What keeps you motivated: Creative Problem Solving

Office habit: Multi-coloured pen usage

What/who inspires you and why: I just watched Abstract on Netflix so I thought Platon the photographer was really inspiring. I admired his humility and kindness. He seemed to be able to either get on the same level has his subject or at least make them comfortable enough that they could tell him their story, however difficult.

Best UI/UX website or app you’ve seen: Airbnb

Favourite form of analog art: Painting

Whose work has inspired you the most (any creative figure): Kenya Hara

When is it appropriate or inappropriate to incorporate personal style into commercial work: When it serves the user or the main audience in such a way that it really clarifies who the business is and what they’re offering. In other words, when it balances user needs with business goals.

You currently have a handful of projects that are undergoing revisions and an urgent request just landed on your desk. Describe your work process: I work in the order that things came to be first if they are urgent requests. I have a notebook that’s just full of dates and deadlines that enjoy highlighting and checking. I also sketch things out once I’ve read the varied forms of instructions I get, that usually helps to clarify what I’m supposed to do and speeds up my process.

Favourite project you’ve worked on: I’ve really enjoyed working on Pure Luxe Painting’s website. I got to meet the clients, which is actually rare, but so far the process has been really smooth.

Side-hustle: Painting

Album of the year (fine 2018 is included too Good because its only been 2 months!): Language by Starchild & The New Romantic

One thing school taught you and one thing it didn’t:

School taught me to take and give criticism in a way that is constructive to the design process. It didn’t tell me how to get a job in design. But eventually going to BCIT did teach me that.

Favourite quote: “Don’t be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box.” RuPaul

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