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Forgot it’s Valentine’s Day?

According to Think with Google, Valentine’s is the #2 holiday for last minute shopping. Searches for ‘flowers near me’ explode 2.6 times and ‘chocolates near me’ by a whopping 4.1 times.

It’s interesting to note when the panic sets in. The peak shopping teams are after your morning coffee when you look around and wonder why half of your co-workers are happy and have flowers and the other half look mad and definitely don’t have a box of chocolates. Then it hits you! The peak shopping time for your last minute gift is to take an early lunch and scramble for something (11am) followed by realizing you can’t shop on an empty stomach, so you eat first then panic (1 pm), or try to sneak out early to pick something up on the way home (3 pm).

It is also fascinating to see how impactful your mobile device can be during this day of love. There is a big spike in traffic near Valentine’s Day for a few key recipes (Lobster Tails, Red Velvet Cakes, and Chocolate Fondue) and consumers then go to YouTube to watch the “how-to”; 62%-73% of all the hours are watched on YouTube for these videos came from mobile viewers.

What does this mean for businesses?

1). Be There (MOBILE!)

2). Be Useful (Provide Value)

3). Be Quick

Source –

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Google has insights on that! –

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